Friday, October 10, 2008

Guilty by association?

If conservatives are going to have Obama held accountable for Bill Ayers actions 40 years ago because he worked with the guy and happens to live in his neighborhood then shouldn't conservatives be responsible for the actions for everything their friends/co-workers have done? I have a friend who used to be a drug dealer, but was arrested and has since changed his ways and is a member of the military serving in Iraq. Does this mean I like to "pal around" with unreputable characters? I got a job at a place where someone was a convicted sex offender. Does this mean I like to "pal around" with sexual deviants? I don't walk around telling everyone I know sex offenders are wrong and drug dealers are immoral because this is something that everyone can agree on. Only someone really stretching for something to harm my integrity would say I have never denounced sexual deviance or drug dealing so I must condone their actions. That's a dumb argument, but I guess the average voter is dumb enough to fall for a feeble argument like that.

Also I find it interesting that McCain has the balls to incite the crowd with accusations of Obama being a bff with a domestic terrorist, but when he is faced to face with the man he is accusing he refuses to bring up the subject. John, John, John, John, you have proved that you are all talk and no walk. You have demonstrated that your bark is way, way worse than your bite. I find it despicable for a candidate to incite the crowd to chant for the death of the other and then sit back, smile, and wink as if you condone what the lynch mob is demanding. Truly this is further evidence that Pontius Pilate, er...I mean, Sarah Palin is not ready to be the next leader of our country.

Go and support the new Oliver Stone movie "W" in theaters October 17, and if you haven't already go and see Bill Maher's "Religulous" you will not stop laughing.

Campaigning In Texas

Well it's been months since the Texas primary was held and since March 4th the Texas voters have seen nothing on TV from our beloved candidate Barack Obama. For months horrible messages from the McCain campaign and his 527 groups bashing Obama without stating McCain's standpoint on issues. I realize negative campaign ads are a part of politics, but I think you should at least tell your target audience where you stand Senator McCain.

Then finally, last night I saw an Obama ad attacking McCain's Taxation policy and I was delighted. Then again later that night and earlier this morning I began seeing the same ad being played and I became simply overjoyed. While I harbor no false delusions that Texas will come to its senses and become a blue state, I feel that the more competative the race this election is the greater chance of becoming blue for the next election and even for legislative offices. After I saw the ads I went to and checked the polls. To my surprise not only was Obama polling as close a 9% points from taking the lead in Texas, but Rick Noriega had closed the gap to only about 8% points from the lead over incumbent John Cornyn. I wonder what it would feel like to turn blue, and have it not be a result of a conservative family member choking you for using facts in a political discussion.

I have no doubts about Obama becoming the next president of our great nation, and I hold no doubts that the great state of Texas will eventually come to its senses and vote democrat. After all if you look at the congressional district map it would appear that half of Texas is democrat, but the half that is republican does have strongholds like Dallas, and Houston.

I guess this is as good of a time to end as any so don't forget to vote for Obama before 7pm on November 4th, and if you can put an Obama Biden sign in your yard, on your car, or wear a button to work.